このページは文部科学省科学研究費補助金 国際共同研究強化(B)「農民の自力水田開発によるナイジェリアケッビ州の稲作革命に関する学術調査」(2018-21年度)、

●The Most Recent Version "Sawah Technology"  アフリカ水田農法の最新バージョン  (6 July 2024)

  • Final version of Sawah Technology for Endogenous Development of Sawah (水田:SUIDEN) Platform for Rice and Agricultural Revolution in Sub Saharan Africa (SSA): Based on Special Lecture II, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University, 12th Dec 2019 - 30th Jan 2020, Zero Malaria 2030 Japan on 25th Aug. and 10th of Sep. 2020, and JICA Tsukuba OADA and JICA Nagoya JISNAS lecture on 6-7 July and 7 September 2022.
    • Sawah Technology(アフリカ水田農法)(1): Rice Green Revolution Statistics on Sub Saharan Africa (SSA) and Asia during 1961-2021 [Paper PDF(3.7MB)] (1 Aug 2023)
    • Sawah Technology(アフリカ水田農法)(2): Background on Co-Evolution of Genetic and Ecological Technology of Sawah Rice Farming on Rice Green Revolution in Sub Saharan Africa [Paper PDF(8.0MB)] (6 Jul 24)
    • Sawah Technology(アフリカ水田農法)(3-1): Overview on the Evolutional Stages of Various Sawah System Platform in Sub- Saharan African Countries, especially in Nigeria[Paper PDF(10.6MB)] (31 Oct 2022)
    • Sawah Technology(アフリカ水田農法)(3-2): Evolution of Sawah Platform in Madagascar, UR Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda,Burundi, Malawi and Zambia [Paper PDF(16.1MB)] (17 Feb 2023)
    • Sawah Technology(アフリカ水田農法)(3-3): Evolution of Sawah Platform in Mali, Burkina Faso, Corte d'Ivoire, Senegal, Mauritania, and Gambia [Paper PDF(16MB)] (10 nov 2022)
    • Sawah Technology(アフリカ水田農法)(4): Principles and Theory: Sawah hypothesis (1); the platform for scientific technology evolution and Sawah hypothesis (2); the platfrom for sustainable intesification in watershed agroforestry (Africa SATOYAMA system)[Paper PDF(9.6MB)(10 jul 2024)
    • Sawah Technology(アフリカ水田農法)(5): Practices and Potential of irrigated sawah system development and sawah based rice farming by farmers' self-help efforts [Paper PDF(9.1MB)] (18 Sep 2022)
    • Sawah Technology(アフリカ水田農法)(6-1): African irrigated sawah based rice revolution in Kebbi State, Nigeria (1) [Paper PDF(7.0MB)] (16 Jun 2024)
    • アフリカ水田農法 (6-1): ナイジェリア、ケッビ州におけるアフリカ型水田稲作革命 (1) [Paper PDF(7.8MB)] (16 Jun 2024)
  • Sawah Technology(5) Kebbi Rice Revolution, Nigeria
    [Paper PDF(14.7MB) : Divided Files Part1(5.5MB), Part2(5.0MB), Part3(5.1MB)] (25th Sep. 2018)
  • Sawah Technology(5 Supplement) Google earth observation on endogenous sawah system development throughout the Kebbi state, during 2010-2017
    [Paper PDF(11.1MB) : Divided Files Part1(3.9MB), Part2(3.8MB), Part3(3.7MB)] (9th Oct. 2018)
  • アフリカ水田農法の和文報告最新バージョン
    <Paper> (2018年6月18日)
    • (I) 稲作統計、水田進化とナイジェリアの灌漑稲作の現状、水田仮説1と英国のエンクロージャーの対比、アフリカ水田農法の基本技術、6つの戦略技術の比較総括 [PDF(9.4MB)]
    • (II-1) ナイジェリア、ケッビ州稲作革命Kebbi Rice Revolution により谷地田農法からアフリカ水田農法へ進化 [PDF(13.0MB)]
    • (II-2) 2010-2017 年のGoogle Earthに見るケッビ州の主要河川、Rima 川、Zamfara 川、Ka 川およびNiger 川氾濫原における農民の自力ポンプ灌漑水田開発と整備の拡大状況 [PDF(14.3MB)]
    • (III-1) Google Earth と現地調査に基づくサブサハラアフリカトップ4 稲作国、ナイジェリア、マダガスカル、タンザニア、マリの水田進化の比較評価 [PDF(13.8MB)]
    • (III-2) Google Earth と現地調査に基づくサブサハラアフリカ5-8 位稲作国、ギニア、象牙海岸、シエラレオーネ、セネガルの水田進化の比較評価 [PDF(15.6MB)]
    • (IV) 持続可能な稲作革命の実現とアジア・アフリカ連携による平和構築 [PDF(6.5MB)]
    <PPt> (1) 1961-2016年のアフリカとアジアの米生産と関連統計(2018年12月28日)
    • (1-1) 西アフリカ, 東・中央・南部アフリカ, サブサハラアフリカ及びアジア地域総括 [PDF(1.2MB)]
    • (1-2) サブサハラアフリカの籾生産量ランク1-16位の国とエジプト [PDF(4.2MB)]
    • (1-3) サブサハラアフリカ籾生産量ランク17-24位とそれ以下の国 [PDF(3.4MB)]
    • (1-4) アジアの籾生産量ランク1-10位とそれ以下の国 [PDF(2.5MB)]


●Core Field Activities and Technology Transfer, Papers, Presentations, and Books

  • (Implementation) CSIR-SRI introduces SAWAH technology to boost rice production at Anunuma in Ahafo Region and Sene West District in Bono East Region, Ghana, October 2021,https://sri.csir.org.gh/uncategorized/sawah-rice-technology-introduced-to-farmers-at-anunuma-in-ahafo-region.html https://sewda.gov.gh/sawah-technology-lowland-rice-demonstration/
  • (Paper) Increasing Rice Production in Nigeria Through Sawah Eco-Technology: 2005-2018 by YS Ademiluyi et al, In Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, 2021, Vol.52, No2.[PDF(2.7MB)][Supplement YouTube on Kebbi Rice Revolution by Nigerian Government 2019]
  • (Presentation) Kebbi Rice Revolution: Growing Agriculture in Kebi State, presended by the Govornor ALH. SA' IDU USMAN DAKINGARI, at the 19th National Economic Summit in Abuja on the 4th od September, 2013. [PDF(1.3MB)]
  • (Implementation) Open Day held by CSIR-SRI Project funded by Government of Canada Through Modernizing Agriculture in Ghana (MAG) at Kwame Danso in the Bono East region, December 20, 2020, [Youtube]https://sri.csir.org.gh/media/stories/open-day-held-by-csir-sri-project-funded-by-government-of-canada-through-modernizing-agricultureWebsite-in-ghana-mag-at-kwame-danso-in-the-bono-east-region.html
  • (Presentation) Event report on Round-table “ZERO Malaria: What We Can Do from Japan, Rice Production and Malaria: How to Evaluate ‘Mosquito’ in Agricultural Project,” 25 December 2020, organized by Malaria No More Japan.
    • "Overview on the progress of rice production and sawah (SUIDEN, Paddy) based rice farming in Sub-Saharan Africa(SSA) in 1961-2018(統計データと現地調査による1961-2018年までのアフリカの水田稲作の発展総括).” 1st session: Rice Production and Malaria in Asia and Africa, August 25th, 2020.
      English [Related pages: pp.11-32 PDF(6.1MB), Full page ->Website]
      日本語 [Related pages: pp.9-26 PDF(6.7MB), Full page ->Website]
    • "Possible pathways to reducing malaria transmission through endogenous development of sustainable sawah based rice farming in SSA(アフリカにおける内発的な持続可能な水田開発によるマラリア感染制御のシナリオ).” 2nd session: Global Health Systems and Rice Production in Case of Malaria as an Indicator, September 10th, 2020.
      English [Related pages: pp.54-73 PDF(4.2MB), Full page ->Website]
      日本語 [Related pages: pp.44-58 PDF(4.7MB), Full page ->Website]
  • (Implementation) NCAM Sawah Training and Demonstartion at Ogun State, Nigeria, 21 November 2020. [PDF(488KB)]
  • (Paper) 若月利之, サブサハラアフリカにおける水田稲作の内発的発展と国際共同研究, アフリカ研究, 2020年2020May, 97号:51-54ページ,DOI, https://doi.org/10.11619/africa.2020.97_51
  • (Presentation) Nigeriaケッビ州は2011-19年で10万ha規模の新規水田稲作を内発的に拡大したか?, 日本アフリカ学会第57回学術大会, オンライン開催, 2020年5月23〜31日 [PDF(10.5MB)]
  • (Presentation) 過去50年のSSAトップ30ケ国のコメ増産と水田稲作の進化, 日本アフリカ学会第56回学術大会, 京都精華大学, 2019年5月18日 [PDF(5.9MB)]
  • (Paper) Alarima C.I., Awotunde J.M., Adamu C.O., Akerele D., Masunaga T., Wakatsuki T. 2018. Adoption of sawah eco-technology in rice production by farm households in Kebbi State, Nigeria. Journal of Water and Land Development, No. 37, 11-17. [PDF(3.4MB)]
  • (Implementation) The Giant Stride of NCAM towards Food Security in Nigeria, 27 September 2017.
  • (Implementation) NCAM sawah team, Ademiluyi YS, Dada-Joel TO, Okoro ON, Eneh KC, Sadiq BO, Fari NA, Yeldu MH Aliyu J, Agbola A, Ofori J, and Wakatsuki T, Final Interrim narrative report on Sawah Technology activities at Baga-Sola, Tissi, and Haraze, Chad, from 5th of March to 24th of April, 2017. [PDF(3.4MB)]
  • (Implementation) Evaluation Report "Reintegration Support for Chadian Returnees from the Central African Republich", Project Implemented by IOM and Funded by the Government of Japa, Feb 2016. [PDF(6.7MB)]
  • (Implementation) Initiation of Kebbi Rice Revolution through the Implementation of Sawah Technology in the 3rd National Fadama Development (Fadama III) Project, 2nd Nov 2016. [PDF(3.4MB)] [Supplement YouTube on Kebbi Rice Revolution by Nigerian Government 2019]
  • (Presentation) アフリカ水田農法Sawah Technologyによる食糧増産と環境保全, 難民定住化への挑戦, 日本アフリカ学会公開講演会, 2016年6月5日, 日本大学藤沢学舎 [PPt PDF(16.3MB)]
  • (Nigeria) "Small Scale Mechanization in Rice Production", NCAM Presentation at GIZ, Abuja, 3rd-4th May 2016 [PPt PDF(3MB)]
  • (Implementation) Sawah Technology Transfer, Dissemination and Evolution through Africa Rice Center's SMART-IV (Sawah, Market Access and Rice Technologies for Inland Valleys) project and Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS) supported by International Cooperation Division of Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries (MAFF), Japan
    • (SMART-IV Project Phase 2 Final Technical Report 2014-2019) Activity report and evaluation report of "smart-valley approch" at Benin, Togo, Liberia and Sierra Leone, by AfricaRice and Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Japan, 2020.[PDF(2.1MB)]
    • Impact of the Smart-valleys approach in West Africa, AfricaRice 2018 Annual Report published in 2019.
      [Related pages: p9 PDF(249KB), Full page ->AfricaRice website]
    • Out-scalling Smart-valleys to boost rice productivity, AfricaRice 2016 Annual Report published in 2018.
      [Related pages: p15, 16 PDF(496KB), Full page ->AfricaRice website]
    • Defore T, Dugue MJ, Loosvelt M and Worou S, Smart-valleys: Trainer-facilitator's manual, AfricaRice, MAFF Japan, CGIAR, 2017
      [Full page ->AfricaRice website]
    • Sawah Technology for Rehabilitating the rice sector in post-conflict countries of Liberia and Sierra Leone, AfricaRice 2015 Annual Report published in 2016.
      [Related pages: p16, 20 PDF(940KB), Full page ->AfricaRice website]
    • Scaling up of Sawah Technology in Benin and Togo, AfricaRice 2014 Annual Report published in 2015
      [AfricaRice-AnnualReport-2014: p11-12, 32-34 PDF(1.1MB), Full page ->AfricaRice website]
    • Sawah Technology Introduction under Japan and AfricaRice 35 years partnership
    • A SMART choice for Africa’s inland-valley rice farmers. Rice Today, published by IRRI, Mar 2, 2016.
    • High Scalability of Sawah Technology in Sub Sahara Africa, AfricaRice 2013 Annual Report published in 2014
      [AfricaRice-AnnualReport-2013: p6, 14-15, 41-42 PDF(267KB), Full page ->AfricaRice website]
    • Working with farmers to improve control in inland valleys using Sawah Technology, AfricaRice 2012 Annual Report published in 2013
      [AfricaRice-AnnualReport-2012: p14-16 PDF(365KB), Full page ->AfricaRice website]
    • (SMART-IV Annual technical project report 2011-2012) Abe SS, Zwart S, and Buri MM, AfricaRice 2013[PDF(16.6MB)]
    • (SMART-IV International training for agricultural staffs from Togo and Benin on Sawah Eco-technology in Ghana in 2011) Buri MM, Issaka RN and Bam KR, 2012, [PDF(1.4MB)]
    • (Book) Buri MM, Wakatsuki T, Issaka RN and Abe S, edited, "Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Sawah Eco-technology and Rice Farming in Sub-Saharan Africa", 22nd-24th Nov. 2011, Kumasi, Ghana, published in June 2012, NII NAI CREATIONS, [Full page, 222 pages, PDF(6.2MB)],
      [Divided Files: Section 1(2.6MB), Section 2 pp.13-31(4.8MB), pp.32-49(2.4MB), pp.50-74(3.0MB), pp.75-111(3.9MB), pp.112-132(3.2MB), pp.133-169(2.9MB), pp.170-200(3.7MB), Section 3(2.0MB)]
    • (Book) Fujimoto N, Osuga K, Naruoka M, Hirose Ch, Kawano N, Hayata A, Fukuo I, Yamanaka M, and Uchimura M, "Manual for Improving Rice Production in Africa", March 2012, Japan International Reseach Center for Agicultural Sciecnces (JIRCAS), https://www.jircas.go.jp/en/publication/manual_guideline/11
    • (アフリカ内陸低湿地における水田整備及び栽培技術のマニュアルのための「稲作推進条件整備調査報告書」) 藤本直也・大須賀公郎・内藤久仁彦・成岡道男・河野尚由・大矢徹治・広瀬千佳子・内村求・富久尾歩、国際農林水産業研究センター、2010年3月 [PDF(9.2MB)]
    • (Presentation) Wakatsuki T., Multi functionality of Sawah system: why Sawah based rice farming is critical for Africa's Green revolution? SMART IV kickoff workshop, 16-17th August 2010, Africa Rice, Cotonou.
      [PDF(5.3MB) : Divided Files Part1(2.7MB), Part2(2.7MB)]
    • (Presentation) Wakatsuki T., Buri M.M., Bam R.K., Oladele O.I. and Ademiluyi Y.S., Farmers' personal irrigated sawah systems to realize the green revolution and Africa's rice potential. SMART IV kickoff workshop, 16-17th August 2010, Africa Rice, Cotonou.
      [PDF(7.0MB) : Divided Files Part1(3.7MB), Part2(3.5MB)]
    • (Presentation) Buri M.M., Abe S., Issaka R.N., Kiepe P., Wakatsuki T., Kawano N. and Fujimoto N., Soil fertility potential for rice production in West African lowlands. SMART IV kickoff workshop, 16-17th August 2010, Africa Rice, Cotonou.
      [PDF(6.1MB) : Divided Files Part1(3.1MB), Part2(3.2MB)]
    • (SMART-IV Five-Year Project Implementation Plan for 2009-2014) Africa rice, 2008, [PDF(2.6MB)]
    • (Book) Wakatsuki T, Otoo E, Andah WEI, Cobbina J, and Kubota D, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Integrated Watershed Management of Inland Valley-Ecotechnology Approach, 6th-8th February 2001, Novotel Accra, Ghana. [Full page PDF(7.1MB)], [Divided Files: pp.1-5(1.3MB), pp.6-15(3.2MB), pp.16-27(3.8MB), pp.28-40(4.6MB), pp.41-44(1.0MB), pp.45-55(2.7MB)]
    • Sawah Technology Research at IITA, International Institute of Trpoical Agriculture, under HIROSE project, 05 June 2008. [PDF(380KB)]
  • (Paper) Abe S.S., Takahashi R., Yamaji E. and Wakatsuki T., Exploring Opportunites for Improving Rice Yield and Income in Inland Valleys of West Africa. Trop. Agr. Develop., 59(2): 83-87, 2015. [PDF(256KB)] [Supplement 1] [Supplement 2]
  • (Paper) 阿部進, 藤本直也, 若月利之, 西アフリカの低湿地における参加型水田開発手法. 水土の知 (農業農村工学会誌), 83(10): 853-858, 2015. [PDF(3.9MB)]
  • アフリカ水田農法(Sawah Technology)による稲作革命の実現と土と水と平和構築(2015年5月21日,東京農大特別講義;2015年5月24日,京都大学地球環境フォーラム;2015年9月11日,土壌肥料学会公開講演会)
    [Paper PDF(3.3MB)],
    [PPt PDF(13.5MB)] : Divided Files Part1(6.1MB), Part2(7.5MB)]
  • (2015年エッセイと関連する過去の論文)
  • (2014Imprementation) Akinwumi Adesina, SCORE CARD, Federal Ministry of Agriculture And Rural Development, Nigeria, Agricultural Transformation Agenda, January 14, 2014, 2013 Report January -December 2013, Rice Value Chain in Page 29-39, total 121 pages[PDF(4.0MB)]
  • (Paper) "Asian African Collaboration for Sustainable African Green Revolution through Sawah and Satoyama Eco-technology to Combat Global Food and Ecology Crisis in 2025", In the Proceedings of 11th ESAFS, Bogor, Indonesia, 21October2013. [PDF(2.4MB)]
  • (Presentation) "Asian African Collaboration for Sustainable African Green Revolution through Sawah and Satoyama Eco-technology to Combat Global Food and Ecology Crisis in 2025", 11th ESAFS, Bogor, Indonesia, 21October2013. [PDF(4.4MB)]
  • (Presentation) "Achievements of Sawah ecotechnology programme in Nigeria" by Ademiluyi YS National coordinator 27July2013. [PDF(8.9MB)]
  • (Paper) Wakatsuki, Road map of the dissemination of irrigated sawah development and rice cultivation technology by african farmes' self-support efforts,https://www.researchgate.net/publication/317700614_Road_Map_of_the_Dissemination_of_Irrigated_Sawah_Dvelopment_and_Rice_Cultivation_Technology_by_African_Farmers'_Self-support_Efforts
  • (Paper) 若月利之,「アフリカにおけるSawah灌漑水田稲作技術普及の展望」熱帯農業学会誌, 6(1):43-50, 2013年. [PDF(2.9MB)]
  • (Paper) 池田, 伊藤, 菊池, 岩永, 窪田,松本,若月,縄田,槇原,西村,浅沼,江原, 及川, 田中,武藤, 團, 志水, 山根,「アフリカにおけるSawah灌漑水田稲作技術普及の質疑応答」熱帯農業学会誌, 6(1):58-60, 2013年. [PDF(352KB)]
  • (Paper)「Sawah技術イノベーションの社会実装によるアフリカ稲作の緑の革命実現」学術会議環境工学連合講演会, 2013年4月19日, 東京. [PDF(1.8MB)]
  • (Presentation)「Sawah技術イノベーションの社会実装によるアフリカ稲作の緑の革命実現」第26回学術会議環境環境工学連合, 2013年4月19日, 東京. [PDF(12.7MB)]
  • (Paper) Kolawole A, Oladele OI, Alarima CI, and Wakatsuki T, Gender roles in sawah system of rice production in Nigeria, J. Human Ecology, Volume 36(1): 79-83, 2011. [PDF(1.4MB)]
  • Presentation and Paper at the 2nd Africa Rice Congress, 22-26 March, 2010, Bamako, Mali. [PPt PDF(13.6MB), Paper :Site-specific sawah development and management: Large-scale action research in Ghana and Nigeria to actualize rice green revolutionPDF(831KB) ]
  • (Paper) Fu R.H.Y., Abe S.S., Wakatsuki T. and Maruyama M., Traditional farmer-managed irrigation system in Central Nigeria. Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly, 44(1), 53-60, 2010. [PDF ->J-STAGE website]
  • (Paper)「水田農業の普及によるアフリカの緑の革命実現」, 土壌の物理性, 112号:13-25, 2009年. [PDF(11.4MB)]
  • Presentation at the 1st Africa Rice Congress, 31 July to 4 August 2006, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
    • Wakatsuki T., Keynote: Sustainable intensification and diversification strategies for African rice-based cropping systems. [PDF(3.4MB)]
    • Fashola O., Aliyu J. and Wakatsuki T., Participatory approach to sawah rice technology dissemination to farmers cultivating inland valleys in Nigeria. [PDF(4.1MB)]
  • (Paper) 中島 邦公, 若月 利之, モロ M. ブリ, ガーナの持続的自立的な水田開発に向けて. アフリカ研究, 69, 59-73, 2006. [PDF(4.1MB)]
  • (Paper) Wakatsuki T. and Masunaga T., Ecological engineering for sustainable food production and the restoration of degraded watersheds in toropics of low pH soils: Focus on West Africa. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr., 51(5), 629-636, 2005. [PDF(4.1MB)]
  • (Paper) Ofori J., Hisatomi Y., Kamidouzono A., Masunaga T. and Wakatsuki T., Performance of Rice Cultivars in Various Sawah Ecosystems Developed in Inland Valleys, Ashanti Region, Ghana. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 51(4), 469-476, 2005. [PDF(856KB)]
  • (Paper) 若月利之・謝順景「アフリカ水田稲作開発協力史その1台湾」, 国際農林業協力, Vol.26 No.3:17-29, 2003年. [PDF(5.2MB)]
  • (Book) Hsieh Sung-Ching, "Agricultural Technology Transfer to Developing Countries". National Pingtung University of Science and Technology Press, 2003.
    • Introduction & Part 1: General Description of Technology Transfer(pp.1-14) [PDF(663KB)]
    • Part 5: Case Studies on Technology Transfer for Rice Production to Africa(pp.165-232) [PDF(4.3MB)]
  • (Report) Nagumo F, "Community-Based Lowalnds Project, Annual Report 2001", Support for achieving food security in developing countries, Republique de Cote d'Ivoire, Japon, United Nations World Food Programme[PDF(13.6MB)]
  • (Book) "Restoration of Inland Valley Ecosystems in West Africa", Edited by Shohei HIROSE and Toshiyuki WAKATSUKI, Association of Agriculture & Forestry Statistics, 2002.
  • (Paper) 若月利之, 若月利之「西アフリカにおける持続可能な水田農業開発に関する研究」, 日本土壌肥料学雑誌, 第73巻 第3号:249-252, 2002年. [PDF(1.1MB)]
  • (Paper) 若月利之, 西アフリカにおける自立的展開が可能な小規模谷地田開発, アフリカの農業・農林開発−TICADに向けて. 農業土木学会誌, 70(11): 1050-1055, 2002. [PDF(3.2MB)]
  • (Paper) Hsieh Sung-Ching, "Agricultural Reform in Africa-With Special Focus on Taiwan Assisted Rice Production in Africa, Past, Present and the Future Perspectives”, Tropics Vol.11(1):33-58. 2002,[PDF(5.5MB)]
  • (Paper) Asubonteng K.O., Kubota D., Hayashi K., Masunaga T., Wakatsuki T. and Otoo E., Effect of a sawah-based farming system on rice cultivation in the inland valley bottom of the Ashanti region, Ghana. Tropics, 10(4), 555-564, 2001. [PDF(2.3MB)]
  • (Paper) Buri M.M., Masunaga T. and Wakatsuki T., Sulfur and zinc levels as limiting factors to rice production in West Africa lowlands. Geoderma, 94, 23-42, 2000. [PDF(282KB)]
  • 若月利之, アジア開発経験及びそのアフリカにおける適用可能性−西アフリカにおけるアジア諸国の水田稲作開発プロジェクトの比較と評価 (Transfer of Asian Experiences on the African Development in 21st Century: Comparative Study and Evaluation on the Asian Collaborated Sawah Based Rice Development Projects in West Africa). 国際開発高等教育機構 (FASID) /外務省委託, 平成10年度開発援助研究成果報告書, FASID, 東京, 1999. [PDF(8.5MB)]
  • (Paper) 「海外における土壌問題と土壌管理:アフリカ」農業技術体系、追録第9号、土壌施肥編、第3巻、土壌と活用」農文協, 1998. [PDF(1.8MB)]
  • (Paper) "Sawah Systems for Integrated Watershed Management of Small Inland Valleys in West Africa", In FAO ed., Water Reports 17, p.45-60, 1998. [PDF(5.8MB)]
  • (Paper) Ishida F., Kamidouzono A. and Wakatsuki T., Indigenous Rice-Based Lowland Farming Systems of Nupe, Nigeria. Jpn. J. Trop. Agr., 42(1): 18-28, 1998. [PDF(7.4MB)]
  • (Book)「西アフリカ・サバンナの生態環境の修復と農村の再生」, 廣瀬昌平・若月利之編著, 農林統計協会, 1997年(絶版).
    • 目次と著者 [PDF(415KB)]
    • 第1章 西アフリカにおける地球環境問題と持続的農業の展望 [PDF(4.0MB)]
    • 第2章 西アフリカの生態環境 [PDF(4.0MB)]
    • 第3章 ギニアサバンナ帯における伝統的農業と作物生産 [PDF(5.5MB)]
    • 第4章 ギニアサバンナの人と森林 [PDF(5.1MB)]
    • 第5章 中部ナイジェリアにおける牧畜フルベの牧畜活動に関する生態人類学的研究 [PDF(5.6MB)]
    • 第6章 生態環境の修復と農村の再生のためのオンファーム実証研究 [PDF(7.8MB)]
    • 第7章 まとめ:サバンナ集水域の環境保全型総合農村開発に向けて [PDF(923KB)]
  • (Paper) Issaka R.N., Ishida F., Kubota D. and Wakatsuki T., Geographical distribution of selected soil fertility parameters of inland valleys in West Africa. Geoderma, 75, 99-116, 1997. [PDF(1.3MB)]
  • (Paper) Wakatsuki T., Rasydin A. and Naganawa T., Multiple regression method for estimating rates of weathering and soil formation in watershed, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 39: 153-159, 1993. [PDF(4.3MB)]
  • (Paper) Wakatsuki T., Esumi, H. and Omura S., High Performance and N & P-Removable On-site Domestic Waste Water Treatnment System by Multi-Soil-Layering Method, Wat. Sci. Tech., Vol.27, N0.1: 31-40, 1993. [PDF(1.7MB)]
  • (Paper) 若月 利之・三輪睿太郎, 縄文時代の人口密度分布と土壌の肥沃度. 筑波大学先史学・考古学研究調査報告, 4: 31-43, 1993. [PDF(7.7MB)]
  • (Paper) Wakatsuki T. and Rasydin A., Rates of weathering soil formation. Geoderma, 52: 251-263, 1992. [PDF(653KB)]
  • (Paper) Carsky R.J. and Masajo T.M., Effect of Toposequence Position on Performance of Rice Varieties in Inland Valleys of West Africa. IITA Resource and Crop Management Research Monograph, No.9: 1-24+Errata, 1992. [PDF(8.3MB)]
  • (Thesis) Oyediran G.O., Genesis, Classification and Potential Productivity Selected Wetland Soils in the Savanna Ecosystem of Nigeria. Obafemi Awolowo University, 1990, Ph.D. thesis. [PDF(6.8MB)]
  • (Basic Documents of the Initial Stage of the Research 研究開始時の文献)
    • (Paper)「水田は西アフリカを救えるか」JICA Expert誌1989年2月. [PDF(5.3MB)]
    • (Paper) "Sawah for Sustainable Rice Farming in Inland Valley Swamps, IVSs, in West Africa" by Wakatsuki et al., 2nd WAFSRN, 1989. [PDF(4.1MB)]
    • (Paper) Rice-based Cropping Systems in Inland Valleys. In "IITA Annual Report and Research Highlights 1987/88", pp.55-60, Ibadan, Nigeria, 1988. [PDF(4.8MB)]
    • (Paper) IITA Annual Report, Resource and Crop Management Program, 1987. [PDF(4.4MB)]
    • (Paper) IITA Annual Report, Resource and Crop Management Program, 1986. [PDF(4.0MB)]
    • (Book) "The Wetlands and Rice in Sub Saharan Africa" edited by Juo A.S.R. and Lowe J.A., 1986. [PDF(10.9MB)]
    • (Book) "Rice in Africa" edited by Buddenhagen IW. and Persley GJ, 1978. [PDF(5.0MB)]
  • (Paper) 若月利之, 土と海と人と: 一つの土壌生成論の試み. 化学と生物, 23(6), 408-414, 1985. [PDF(897KB)]


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●JICA/CRI Joint Study Program 1995-2001


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