◆科研基盤S 2006年度活動報告
- 第1回Africa Rice Congress (2006年7月31日-8月4日、ダラエスサラーム)(熱帯農業学会発表)[PDF]
- The "Sawah" Technology of Rice Production For The Lowland: An Effective Tool for Poverty Alleviation in Southern Ghana [PDF]
- Quality Sawah Development is the base for Rice Green Revolution in West Africa (for IVRDP coordinating team at Kumasi),
Sustainable intensification and diversification strategies for African rice-based cropping systems (for African Rice Congress, Dar es Salaam, 31 July-4 August, 2006) [PDF]
- Sustainable intensification and diversification strategies for African rice-based cropping systems [PDF]
- Keynote Speech for Africa Rice Congress, Dar es Salaam, Aug 3, 2007 [PDF]
- Participatory Approach to Sawah Rice Technology Dissemination to Farmers Cultivating Inland Valleys in Nigeria [PDF]
- Sawah Manual--Introduction [PDF]
- Sawah Manual--Ghana (under construction draft) [PDF]
- Sawah Manual--Nigeria (under construction draft) [PDF]
- Watershed Ecological Engineering for Sustainable Intensive Rice Production and Restoration of Degraded Environment [PDF]
- 論文「ガーナの持続的自立的水田開発に向けて サワ(水田)実証研究プロジェクトに対する農民の反応」[PDF]
- 配布資料「ガーナの農家に聞いてみました 水田ってどう?」[PDF]
- 発表要旨「アフリカ農民はジリ貧か―ガーナ・アシャンティ州の事例より―」[PDF]
- ガーナにおける自立的展開が可能な谷地田水田開発―農民のプロジェクト評価― [PDF]
科研費基盤(S) 2003-2007概要|